

pact-jvm-consumer-groovy ========================= Groovy DSL for Pact JVM ##Dependency The library is available on maven central using: * group-id = `` * artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-groovy_2.11` * version-id = `2.4.x` or `3.2.x` ##Usage Add the `pact-jvm-consumer-groovy` library to your test class path. This provides a `PactBuilder` class for you to use to define your pacts. For a full example, have a look at the example JUnit `ExampleGroovyConsumerPactTest`. If you are using gradle for your build, add it to your `build.gradle`: dependencies { testCompile '' } Then create an instance of the `PactBuilder` in your test. ```groovy @Test void "A service consumer side of a pact goes a little something like this"() { def alice_service = new PactBuilder() // Create a new PactBuilder alice_service { serviceConsumer "Consumer" // Define the service consumer by name hasPactWith "Alice Service" // Define the service provider that it has a pact with port 1234 // The port number for the service. It is optional, leave it out to // to use a random one given('there is some good mallory') // defines a provider state. It is optional. uponReceiving('a retrieve Mallory request') // upon_receiving starts a new interaction withAttributes(method: 'get', path: '/mallory') // define the request, a GET request to '/mallory' willRespondWith( // define the response we want returned status: 200, headers: ['Content-Type': 'text/html'], body: '"That is some good Mallory."' ) } // Execute the run method to have the mock server run. // It takes a closure to execute your requests and returns a Pact VerificationResult. VerificationResult result = { def client = new RESTClient('http://localhost:1234/') def alice_response = client.get(path: '/mallory') assert alice_response.status == 200 assert alice_response.contentType == 'text/html' def data = assert data == '"That is some good Mallory."' } assert result == PactVerified$.MODULE$ // This means it is all good in weird Scala speak. } ``` After running this test, the following pact file is produced: { "provider" : { "name" : "Alice Service" }, "consumer" : { "name" : "Consumer" }, "interactions" : [ { "provider_state" : "there is some good mallory", "description" : "a retrieve Mallory request", "request" : { "method" : "get", "path" : "/mallory", "requestMatchers" : { } }, "response" : { "status" : 200, "headers" : { "Content-Type" : "text/html" }, "body" : "That is some good Mallory.", "responseMatchers" : { } } } ] } ### DSL Methods #### serviceConsumer(String consumer) This names the service consumer for the pact. #### hasPactWith(String provider) This names the service provider for the pact. #### port(int port) Sets the port that the mock server will run on. If not supplied, a random port will be used. #### given(String providerState) Defines a state that the provider needs to be in for the request to succeed. For more info, see Can be called multiple times. #### given(String providerState, Map params) Defines a state that the provider needs to be in for the request to succeed. For more info, see Can be called multiple times, and the params map can contain the data required fo