Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events specification ( defines an JavaScript API for clients for receiving push notifications from a server on a HTTP connection. This module has an API and implementation for server components to send such event not...

Versio Arkistoon Käyttökohteita Päivämäärä
7.0.x 7.0.9 central
7.0.5 central
7.0.13 central
7.0.1 central
7.0.0-M1 central
6.2.x 6.2.2 central lokak. 01, 2021
6.2.1 central elok. 26, 2021
6.2.0 central kesäk. 11, 2021
6.2.5 central
6.2.3 central
6.0.x 6.0.0 central jouluk. 29, 2020
6.0.0-RC2 central
4.1.x 4.1.2 central maalisk. 23, 2017
4.1 central elok. 21, 2014
4.0.x 4.0-b90 central heinäk. 26, 2013
4.0 central toukok. 15, 2013
4.0-b72 central tammik. 16, 2013
4.0-b33 central huhtik. 23, 2012